At Adorb.co, we want to make sure your custom artwork is perfect. So, when you place an order, we'll reach out to you via email to confirm the quality of the photo(s) you've provided. We want to ensure that we have the best possible photo(s) to work with. If the photo(s) you submitted aren't quite up to par, don't worry! We'll let you know and work with you until we find the perfect one.
However, if we don't receive a response from you regarding our quality concerns, we may have to cancel the order and refund your payment. Once we have the perfect photo(s), we'll create your custom Perkie Print and send you a preview via email. We want to make sure you're happy with your order before we send it to print, so we'll need your approval of the preview(s) before we can proceed.
If we don't receive your approval within one week, we'll assume you're happy with the preview and send your items to print. Please note that the digital file is not included with your order.